Research Projects
The Forest Disturbance Ecology Lab at Mississippi State University primarily addresses research questions in forest ecology, forest health, invasion ecology, biocontrol, fire ecology, and silviculture. We conduct both basic and applied research utilizing methods that range from field observations and experimentation to synthesis and analysis of data acquired from the literature or long-term ecological datasets. Below, you will find more information on broad lab research interests, as well as past and present research projects.
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” - Albert Einstein |
General Research Interests
Current Research
I am currently collaborating with the USGS Powell Center and National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) "High-impact insect invasions" working group (HIIWG) to predict the next high-impact insect invaders in rural and urban forests of North America. We have already modeled the drivers of conifer specialists and hardwood specialists, and found that there is a "sweet spot" when native and novel hosts have an evolutionary history that is close enough that insect pests can identify and feed on the novel host, but the novel host is far enough removed from the native host that it lacks the defenses necessary to combat the insect. Host evolutionary history can be used to predict whether an insect that invades in North America is likely going to be high-impact or not. We are currently modeling the "generalists" and incorporating our models into i-Tree, so they can be utilized by professionals in federal, state, local, and/or academic agencies and organizations.
Key Collaborators (HIIWG): Ruth Hufbauer (Colorado State University), Angela Mech (University of Maine), Craig Allen (University of Nebraska), Carissa Aoki (Bates College), Matt Ayres (Dartmouth College), Kamal Gandhi (University of Georgia), Nathan Havill (USDA Forest Service), Dan Herms (Davey Tree), Sandy Liebhold (USDA Forest Service), Scott Maco (Davey Tree), Travis Marsico (Arkansas State University), Ken Raffa (University of Wisconsin), Kathryn Thomas (USGS Southwest Biological Science Center), Patrick Tobin (University of Washington), and Dan Uden (University of Nebraska) |
Past Research
At Arkansas State University, my research focused on linking invasion ecology and biological control to elucidate mechanisms of invasion. Understanding the mechanisms behind successful establishment and impact of non-native insects is vital for preventing and mitigating invasion. Classical biocontrol agents, which share characteristics with non-native species, are an underutilized resource for studying mechanisms of species invasion. I modeled data from three existing biocontrol agent databases, supplemented by refereed literature, to determine which factors drive the establishment and impact of biocontrol agents (manuscript in prep). I also:
Key Collaborators: Travis Marsico (Arkansas State University), Rima Lucardi (USDA Forest Service), USGS Powell Center HIIWG (see above) |
Top figure from Schulz et al. 2019. BioScience 69(9): 711-724.
Bottom figure from Schulz et al. 2020. NeoBiota 55: 61-83. |
At the University of Georgia, I studied abiotic and biotic factors contributing to eastern white pine dieback in the southern Appalachian Mountains. I found that a scale insect, Matsucoccus macrocicatrices, and a fungal pathogen, Caliciopsis pinea, were often found on dying trees, and tree dieback was most prominent on sites with cooler temperatures, small diameter trees, high tree density, and/or presence of C. pinea. In EWP seedlings, I found that the scale insect and cankers were correlated with seedling dieback. The scale insect was most prevalent in C. pinea cankers, which was the only fungal species that formed girdling cankers on seedlings during pathogenicity testing. There may be a facultative relationship between the scale insect and C. pinea, forming an insect-pathogen complex that is contributing to tree dieback and significantly impacting regeneration dynamics.
Key Collaborators: Kamal Gandhi (University of Georgia), Chris Asaro (USDA Forest Service), Dave Coyle (Clemson University), Michelle Cram (USDA Forest Service), Rima Lucardi (USDA Forest Service), Sunny Lucas (USDA Forest Service), and Angela Mech (University of Maine) |
Figure from Schulz et al. 2018. Forest Ecol Mgmt 423: 70-83.
As a McNair Scholar at the University of Missouri-Columbia, I assessed the effects of prescribed fire on arthropod diversity in the Missouri Ozark Highlands. Fire has long played a role in the dynamics of the unique forest ecosystems of the Missouri Ozarks. Now, prescribed fire is being used to mimic historic fire disturbances that create a more open understory. At the Little Black Conservation Area near Doniphan, MO, forest managers were trying to promote wild turkey populations. Wild turkey feed on an array of seeds and arthropods in these forests, so we wanted to assess the effect of prescribed fire and refugia on arthropod diversity. I collected samples of ground-dwelling arthropods using pitfall traps in three treatment areas (control, burned, island refugia). Overall, the island plots had the greatest abundance of arthropods and richness of insects, while the control plots had the greatest diversity and evenness. Unburned islands can be included to provide shelter for flightless insects that contribute to overall arthropod biodiversity and are a key dietary component of wild turkey in these habitats.
Key Collaborators: Rose-Marie Muzika (University of Missouri; current: Carnegie Museum of Natural History) and Lizzie Wright (University of Missouri; current: Sugar Camp Farm) |
Mississippi State University, Department of Forestry, Thompson Hall, Box 9681, Mississippi State, MS 39762
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The views and opinions expressed on this website are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Mississippi State University. The contents of this website have not been reviewed or approved by Mississippi State University.